Thursday, September 5, 2013

Crocheted Minion Hats - All The Rage And Lots of Fun

The time is flying by so fast! There is not enough time in the day to do all the things I want to do. Nor the things I need to do!

The Despicable Me Minions are so popular. I took some time out yesterday, purchased a pattern and sat in the dentist's office crocheting hats! Hubby was in there 2 hours with the dentist who would not do a darn thing.....another trip to Phoenix to the oral surgeon I see.

But back to the Minion! This hat is so much fun to crochet! I managed to get two hats finished and started on crocheting the goggled eyes.

The two crochet Minion Hats I have completed are 1-3 year old size and a 4-12. The 4-12 year old fits me, although I do have a small head.

Today, I hope to do a newborn minion hat with just one huge eye and maybe an adult size, also with just one eye. Then I would love to do a purple minion! So many ideas. I need to put some of these little guys to work!

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